Fairfield Alumni Winds Revival
Hey folks,Sorry that we took such a long break.
We are back...
*And we need your support*
The Alumni Winds will just be a name without you -
We have just been asked to perform for the upcoming Founder's Day Dinner,which will be held at FMSS itself thisyear. As you already know, that's less than2 months away.So, our first practice starts, that's right, THIS SATURDAY, 16th JUNE '076-9pm @ FMSS Band room.
Yeap, it's still there, if not alittle different.
The school is paying the guards forthe extra hours that is required forthe school to be open for us. We can'tafford to extend practice timings. So, do help us out by coming on time so that we can maximise out practicesessions.
Let us start anew. Let this be thebeginning of a true alumni band, wherefriends, old and new, can come together to make music or to simplyhave fun. Again, it's 16 June'07, 6-9pm @FMSS band room.
Any enquires please give me a tinkle @ friendster.
See you soon!
We are back...
*And we need your support*
The Alumni Winds will just be a name without you -
our friends and fellow musicians.
We have just been asked to perform for the upcoming Founder's Day Dinner,which will be held at FMSS itself thisyear. As you already know, that's less than2 months away.So, our first practice starts, that's right, THIS SATURDAY, 16th JUNE '076-9pm @ FMSS Band room.
Yeap, it's still there, if not alittle different.
The school is paying the guards forthe extra hours that is required forthe school to be open for us. We can'tafford to extend practice timings. So, do help us out by coming on time so that we can maximise out practicesessions.
Let us start anew. Let this be thebeginning of a true alumni band, wherefriends, old and new, can come together to make music or to simplyhave fun. Again, it's 16 June'07, 6-9pm @FMSS band room.
Any enquires please give me a tinkle @ friendster.
See you soon!