Saturday, November 03, 2007

Grumpy old men..

A few days ago, I was taking 190 back to bukit panjang. There was this old man who stood right at where the exit was. He's not the elderly old type that looks like a sneeze can blow him away. He's probably in the 50s, dressed pretty decently and speaks proper english.

I was standing beside the door guards. You know there's this standing section in smrt buses near the door? Yeap. So taht I could be lazy and lean on the polls :p

It's the peak period and everyone wants to go home. People in front where jamming up the door and there was space for at least 4-5 people to the back.

So, I tapped on his shoulder, smiled and pointed him backwards. Then he said angrily, " If you want to go back, then go back lar!" He wasn't shouting but a quite a few people noticed and was visibly alarmed.

I kinda paused. But I moved past him and just said, " OK then, all you have to do is ask. It's nice to meet you anyway"

Then he kinda came forward pushing his body against mine, like an ah-beng challenge. Lol I'm like a head taller than him. I just gave him the 'you're wierd' look and moved on back.
He replied," You like to talk crap isit?"

"If you think I'm talking crap, then I really got nothing to say"

We left it at that. He standing beside me.

I think he probably haven't made love in a long time man.


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