Monday, January 01, 2007


It's not that I do not support religions, or that I am an anti-crist. The problem is that the more I delve into the subject of 'God',the more human he becomes. Behaviours, idiosyncrasies and thought processes...look them through another perspective and you realise they actually mirror the behaviour of man.

The most common excuse when this arises is that one must have 'faith', and that our human minds are incapable of interpretating god's plan for us. Everything is a double edged sword. To live life to the fullest, one must have faith and think beyond himself to accomplish greatness that benefits all. However, what happens when you have faith in the 'wrong idea'? I believe terrorists are an example of faith gone wrong.

Does god exist? Nobody knows. I used to think that god exists..until the day I start seeing human chracteristics in god (within any religion). I have always been interested in Astronomy, and you realise after awhile that even the most grandiose of God's plans are insignificant when compared to the scale of the universe.

Feelings that people describe as being touched by god, feeling of transcendence and etcetc are easily replicated in laboratory conditions.

Another thing is this....I noticed that the choice of one's religion is very often one that complements his/her insecurities. Think about it. Also, If there were really one true god, how can there ever be a multi-racial society?

Many say God is what you think he is. Does that mean that we created god? I mean, If god is what I think he should be.....that means I decide how god is can that be? I am not can I decide how he is like? God would be god...he would be what he is, not what I 'think' of him. If there are things that I don't like about him...too bad, coz if he is like that...then that's the way it is no?

So, was god created to fill a void? Could it be that we have no purpose at all? What if there was no God?

There were many times before when certain ideas were branded as 'heresy', only to be concluded later as 'fact'. But, should we believe that there is a god? For the sake of it?

This would go on forever lol...

For me, I have pretty much accepted a God'less way of living...which seriously makes me want to live my life to an even higher level than before. Why? I have no chance to serve/enjoy in heaven. Any good I do can only be done when I am alive. It also requires more skill and balls to think big enough such that your actions will not only affect you generation, but even those after you, when you are long gone.

Then, if God really exists, wouldn't it be better? I mean, if we can already do tremendous amounts of good without god, what can't we do with god around?

Btw, Happy New Year folks ^^


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