Monday, May 28, 2007

Kid bullying...parents or schools?

I think that as with anything, you are responsible for your own action and whatever and whoever that belongs to you.

In other words, if I am a parent and the child is mine, I am *Primarily* responsible. The school is also responsible, though it is Shared with the parents. Parents *Own* the responsibility of their kids.

Just like if I were to outsource a business contract, it will be my responsibility to ensure that my contractor upholds his end of the bargain.

On the other hand, if the contractor received the defective goods from me in the first I blame them?

Another thing: mollycoddling.

I think it's becoming an epidemic. Children are getting away with all sorts of bad behaviour because parents back them up when they are punished for it. Parents just refuse to accept the fact that their child can misbehave. To the child, their parents justify their sorry behaviours.
The same trend is observable in the army as well, as the newer batches of recruits come in. You can imagine how it feels like when you see boys who are becoming adults being treated this way by their parents. It's a sin.

At the end of the day, I believe that what was once known as 'taking care of your children' have become an extremist form of helping them even when they do not deserve it, encouraging them to get worst.

Another thing would be the fact that parents nowadays are too quick to blame the schools. What can they do when parents do not support them? Worst still, what can they do when parents refuse to believe that their beloved little doodles can't do any wrong and justify their bad behaviours?

There's a quote that simpley says 'rubbish in, rubbish out'. Does it apply here?

I say parents. Please. Wake. Up.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Waterproof pod?


My iPod survived a full cycle in the washing machine!!


13 more days to ORD!!


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Creative speaker for iPod...finally!

Been waiting and waiting...

No portable speaker sold for the iPod was ever as good as the ZenMicro I bought a zenmicro traveldock speaker for my iPod

I've sacrificed presentation for sound quality....

Now the wait is finally over!

They'av the TRAVELSOUNDi !!!
