Review: Creative Aurvana vs Audio
Technica ATH-CK7

Eloz pips!
I've been looking for a new set of earphones ever since my old one got busted on its left wire..leaving the volume at half its nomrla budget's only ard $150
I remember testing the Aurvana June'06 during Comex when it was still priced at $239. I also remember seeing the Audio Technica booth at the show (it was their first exhition at a IT - related event) and the sales manager recommending me the ATH-CK7.
Aurvana's price dropped to $169..then now, as of the price at Sitex'06 $139. Madness lol..but that's the way Creative's been playing the game.
Was at and see many talk about the CK7 and the Aurvana, and never both directly together...I have been trying to figure out whether I should get either of these 2..coz clearly it seems like the Senheisser counterpart, the CX300, clearly does not measure up to standard and the Shure E2c's are out of my budget.
Anyway, I hope you ppl can get something useful out of this review.
Design and Comfort:
Aurvana - When I first saw it...I was stunned by how small it was. Real small..and real light at that. If you're the type who let one hang out while listening to talk around you, then you'd have no problems with it pulling the other one out or it swinging around being a nuisanse. Wires are pretty normal while the headpiece casing seem to be made up of a glossy acrylic and the rubber tips looks pretty thick. Well? Time to pop in in eh? And so I did...
Creative claims that it blocks out about 90% of ambient sounds...well, I had to change the earbuds to the medium size (coz it was large at first). When I did...I tell was pretty amazing.
I was in a computer exhibition remember? Sometimes, to talk, you either had to shout at one another or huddle together to speak. I was at peace with the Aurvanas in the ear. It was quite magical as you looked around the at the crowd and you realise how silent it is. Not only that, it was comfortable, damn confortable. Even if you aren't gonna buy it, just try it man seriously. In that experience it was pretty close, though 80% blockage would be more accurate.
The Aurvanas also come package with a travel pack, complete with the 3 bud sizes, a cleaner and an airline entertainment system 'F' adapter. Looks real slick I must say.
The only gripe I have with the whole package is that the earphones has got no mesh to cover the drivers. Look straight into the headpiece and you see a hole. Very small (which makes me wonder why some people can't fit the Aurvanas...did u try the small buds?), but en EMPTY hole nonetheless. Imagine what happens once you start using it often..and all that yellow thingy drops in and clogs up the drivers....effects sound and hygiene...eesh.
Aurvanas: 8/10
ATH-CK7 - Well, looks normal, though the forged titanium finish gives it a solid look. The wires are not too thin and not stiff, so if you are the type who likes winding up your earphones then you wouldn't need worry about the 'memory effect' that stiffer wires have. Packaging's pretty standard, earpiece with 3 bud sizes and a Audio Technica Pouch.
They are heavy though, for earpieces at least. Also, looked upon head-on, the drivers seem pretty big, though the hygiene meshes are definitely there (lol). It's definitely not as comfortable as the Aurvanas, but the way it fits feels pretty standard for these types of earphones. Sound isolation is pretty good as well, prolly around 60% when fitted properly. Hmm...travelling in the bus, loud conversations by ah bengs are reduced to a murmur. Aiyah, just imagine the all the noise is behind a door, but slightly softer.
CK7: 7/10
Aurvana - Good isolation, comfirtable, chic looks. Now onto the sound.
For the first few sounded really good! the bass was there, soundstage was wide and you could hear the different instruments...then something went wrong...
I don't just started to sound...wrong.
Bass: It was strong..but it wasn't lean. On the songs that required longer bass notes, it sounded a little wobbly. It was warm, but not filling. Not punchy enough either.
Mids: This is where the Aurvana really screwed up. It was almost non-existant. I could barely hear the instruments in this region. If there were, there was a kind of fake thin metal quality to it, which would whine off towards the end. Voices were very good though, surpringly. it kinda stands out from the rest of the sound, as if creative focused their effort solely on making voices sound good.
Highs: At low volume, it sounds alright. The moment volume picks up, the same metallic quality is apparent and the sound also has the tendency to warp away. It's terrible because first impressions
of it is actually very good. You get clear bright sound that doesn't sting, and you get to hear a lot of details within the sound that you'd probably never hear using cheaper models...then the warping thing starts and it just such a killjoy you know?
Soundstage: It's pretty good actually. The different musical elements are spread out, it sounds full but there's no clautrophobic quality to it. It is also easy to pick out many background elements. Too bad the stage seem to be filled with faulty instruments.
(I noted that there are people who said that using an amplifier radically increaases the sound quality of the Aurvanas...the lack of power is what probably explains the going-out-of-tune-whine like sound this pair tends to produce. However, it is up against an un-amplified set. so on equal grounds it is still inferior)
Overrall: 5/10
CK7 - Bass: Strong, lean and punchy. I like! Genres like Jazz and Rock will sound good here. Produces large, full sound when the song calls for it too.
Mids: Very clear, though it's a little softer than I'd like it to be.On a scale of 10, with 5 being just right, it would be be a 4. Instruments were very accurately portrayed. Unlike the Aurvana, voices heard in the ck7 seem to blend into the music. Simply put, the mids are not out of this world, though I will say that it's very good.
Highs: Hoho...very bright, this pair! If you had a pretty screwed up pair of phones to listen with before, you might find that the ck7 will be a little piercing at the start. However, everything is accurately replicated. Very nice, with a lot of detail. Heard somethings that I never heard before!
Soundstage: Smaller than the Aurvanas, but more filling, especially considering how good the sound quality already is. Though all different elements of sound can be heard distinctively, the kinda blend in together at the end. Not a group of individual sounds, but a single musical entity.
Overrall: 9/10
Aurvana - Given that the the drop in price is pretty astronomical ($239 - $169 - $139), it's still pretty good value, considering how comfortable and light it is. The travel case - the little bag of tricks, also adds value. I sometime marvel at how Creative small the Aurvanas really are (take out the buds and see for yourself). 7/10
CK7 - Heard that the retail price is around $158 ( I got a deal for $134..hehe). In this price range, for such sound and isolation as well as a solid forged titanium construction, it seems like a pretty good bargain. Just make sure it fits and though it's a tad heavy, it sounds cool. 8.5/10
Aurvana - Extremely disappointed I must say. I was expecting a lot from this little pair or charmers when you consider its launch price ($269!) and all the good reviews that go with it (i guess the reviews were picked by Creative...or coz they are Singaporean artists...sigh..). Go for it if you can't really hear the difference and want fantastic isolation and comfort. Its recent price drop has made it a viable choice again, though I must say that the sound just totally spoiled my mood. I think it's the first creative item has has better looks than performance..ha.
CK7 - At this price range, this pair is fantastic. I love the sound, looks good, doesn't get all wiry and tangly. If you were someone who'd go after accurate sound, with punchy lows, accurate mids and bright highs all bundled together into a symphony then this headphones are for you. It's not too pricy as well, making it a real bargain.
Aurvanas - 60%
ATH-CK7 - 82%
Well, I got the CK7 in the end...coz it's too obvious that its the better choice. I wanted sooo much to get the aurvanas that I would give it a try whenever I go past a Creative store outlet but the I'd reach the same conclusion - that the sound is just wrong.
That just seems to be the case isn't it? I don't know if its only me who thinks this way but it seems like almost every Creative product seems inspired but it always falls JUST short of reaching its intended destination. O well, Audio Tech's got my money this time round.
Again, I hope you guys found this useful..and if you wanna critic please dun just go "OooRHhh You !#@!#@1 NOOB! U SUck coz u etcetcetc" yea? thx...