Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Unknown NDP'06

Well, there's been some debate over this unknown singer for this year's NDP.

Talk about unpopular...I don't even know her name..haha...

But here's the thing...she sounds good..doesn't she?

Its the Singaporean 'must be pro' then can issu again...

And we wonder why is our local scene such an 'un'condusive environment for budding artists..

Isn't this a chance for her to grow in Singapore?

Abroad...when there is somebody new...people think 'hey, check it out!"

In singapore, it goes 'wtf..who the hell is she/he?''s my view..

As a participant in NDP'06, in the number '2' of the supporting march contingents, the song, 'my island home' is the only song that really reminds me of my sense of belonging in Singapore. While i'm in the , going through the arguebly 'boliau' and 'wayang' parade, this is the song that realigns my priorities and makes me endure the rehearsals and burnt weekends.

Unknown singer be damned.

Hey, she sounds good, and looks pretty ok as well.


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